YCBK 454: Topics To Avoid When Selecting A Topic For Your Personal Statement-1 of 2
Introduction : In the News-Julia and Mark discuss topics to avoid when selecting a topic for your Personal Statement (1 of 2)
Interview with Jay Rosner-Part 3 of 4:
- We return to challenging Jay’s perspective and
- Jay explains why “test-free” is better than a school being test-optional
- Jay explains the history of the SAT and Eugenics
- Jay shares his advice for someone who is wrestling with whether to take the test
- Jay shares how many times a student should take the test
- Jay shares how long a student should prepare in advance of the test and he shares how much time a day they should be prepping for the SAT or the ACT if they are gong to take the test
- Jay answers the question, “Are the tests coachable”
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