YCBK 470: 17 Reasons Why What a Student Is Asked To Pay Varies So Much From College to College-Part 2

Introduction: Mark shares a tip about applying Early Action. Mark lists the top California colleges that stood out in 20 categories.
Mark interviews Erin Wolfe – Part 2-Preview:
- Friends, part 2 is going to really get deep in the weeds on how financial aid works as Erin continues to give reasons why if a student gets in six schools with money, the financial aid awards are all over the place. Erin shares what Assets are counted in the Assets portion of the student and parent contribution
- Erin talks about reason five of why aid awards are all over the place: how the FAFSA and the CSS PROFILE are the two forms that are often required for financial aid and Erin explains the differences between the two forms.
- Erin explains why some colleges require the profile and some reasons why other schools opt to not require the Profile
- Erin explains reason six: how some colleges require the non-custodial profile and how some colleges are very strict about requiring it, and some colleges are much more generous about providing a waiver
- Erin explains reason seven and it is a major factor: how there are different policies of how colleges factor home equity in the assets of the family that are used in financial aid calculations
- Listen and enjoy
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