YCBK 484: Everything You Need to Know About Early Decision 1 and Early Decision 2

Introduction :
Mark interviews Andy Strickler-Everything you need to know about Early Decision 1 and Early Decision 2-Part 1 of 4
Preview Part 1 of 4:
- Andy answers 20 frequently asked questions about Early Decision in this interview
- Andy shares how Early Decision helps colleges
- Andy tells us whether having 45-48% of the class coming in ED is intentional or does it just work out this way (2)
- Andy shares why he doesn’t want the incoming class to be more than 50% of the incoming class
- Andy shares the three main reasons why the yield for ED is 95% and not 100%
- Andy explains why he feels, and I quote him here, ‘without a doubt” ED is going to become more popular with public universities.
- Andy gives an example of how applying ED is not as hard to get admitted as regular decision, but he also explains how applying ED is sometimes in the financial best interest of under-resourced families.
- Andy answers the question, does he expect affinity scores and engagement tracking to start to be done in greater frequency than it is now
Mark interviews David Hawkins – Part 4-Preview
- David shares more results from students about what the students overvalued and undervalued
- Dave and Mark just editorialize some of the reasons why the perception of the admission factors that students think matters is so different from what the survey research reveals colleges really value
- Dave and Mark talk about confusing holistic admissions is they postulate that this is one reason why college admissions is confusing
- Dave talks about how students are experiencing high anxiety
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