YCBK 491: How Do I Get A Job In College Admissions
YCBK 493: What Should I Do If I am Deferred, An Interview with Rick Clark, Georgia Tech

YCBK 492: 30 Things To Rank When Building Your College List

Introduction: Mark interviews Jin Chow – Preview Part 3 :

  • Jin explains why they do not allow parents to join their sessions
  • Jin answers the objection, aren’t your statistics about college admissions inflated because you attract a pool of very strong applicants so you have selection bias built into your applicant pool
  • Jin answers the objection, what would you say to the person who says, kids are already stressed out, aren’t you already adding more stress to students lives
  • Jin talks about Polygence is more than a place for students to crank out papers where they get published
  • I share in-depth, my own evolution from being Polygence skeptical to embracing and supporting Polygence for the student who really wants to do a research project
  • Jin explains when Polygence works best
  • Jin goes on the hotseat

Here is the “Pay to Play” article Jin wrote that I read at the end of the interview:

(51) Let’s Move Beyond ‘Pay to Play’: A Call for Open Dialogue on Privilege and Education | LinkedIn


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