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Interview 214: Erin Lewellen on “Myths about Generation Z”

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  • Lisa gives an overview of Erin Lewellen’s background
  • Erin shares her experience with social impact organizations
  • Erin is the CEO of Tilting Futures, and she tells us what Tilting Futures Is
  • Lisa introduces our Topic for this interview, Busting myths about Gen Z
  • Lisa asked Erin about the perception that Gen Z is nihilistic and is “checked out.”
  • Erin talks about what Gen Z demands in the workforce
  • Lisa brings up the second myth that Gen Z is lazy and doesn’t care about work, and Erin shares some things from a Deloitte study to debunk this myth
  • Lisa asks Erin about another stereotype about Gen X that they are too sensitive, and Erin offers a very creative response to this myth
  • Erin shares what we can learn from Gen Z
  • Lisa asks Erin about the perception that Generation Z is wrapped up in identity politics, and Erin responds to this, and she responds with research
  • Lisa asks Erin whether Gen Z is indeed addicted to social media, and Erin responds
  • Lisa asks Erin how we can develop better relationships with Gen Z teens, and Erin has some excellent pointers for all of us
  • Erin shares her advice for parents with high school students who are considering college
  • Erin goes on the hot seat in our lightning-round

You can also listen on Episode 494, and Episode 496

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