YCBK 500: Interview with Dean Christoph Guttentag: Understanding Duke University

Introduction : For episode 500, 21 listeners sent in verbal messages about lessons they have learned in the first 500 episodes that they feel can help other students and parents. Julia and Mark discuss the danger of having a top heavy college list.
Interview : Mark interviews Dean Christoph Guttentag, Understanding Duke University, Part 1 of 2. Part 1-Preview
- Christoph gives his backstory
- Christoph lets us know the difference between the East Campus and the West Campus
- Christoph explains the difference between the Trinity School and the Pratt School
- I say, you are always asking our students, “Why Duke”, so I am going to turn that question back on you, “Why go to Duke”
- Christoph tells us what the values are that Duke embraces
- I share two stories that back up that Christoph says, and the second story is kind of funny
- Christoph talks about the new curriculum that goes into place in the fall of 2025 that he is very excited about
- Christoph tells us what Duke Immerse is?
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