YCBK 430: Jeff Selingo Interview: How to know if a college is struggling financially [Transcript]
YCBK 431: Filling out the Activities Section of the Common App: Do’s and Don’ts, 3 of 3 [Transcript]

YCBK 431: Filling out the Activities Section of the Common App: Do’s and Don’ts, 3 of 3

In this week’s episode you will hear

In the News (2:08): We have a five-way conversation for the first time at YCBK. Our four regular (Julia, Susan, Vince and Mark) are joined by Hillary Dickman, (Assistant Director of Admissions, Colorado College) for a conservation about how to complete the Activities Section of the Common Application. We discuss the Do’s and the Don’ts over the next three weeks. Part 3 of 3 (Length 29 minutes)

This week’s question (31:32): Kathie from California wants to know if not having internships could impact her daughter’s chances of getting a full-time job after she graduates from college (Length 15 minutes)

This week’s interview (46:42): Two college counselors who specialize in working with homeschooled applicants (Dr. Michele Evard and Holly Ramsey) and a Senior Associate Director of Admissions (Liam Dailey) who works at Beloit College but serves as Beloit College’s admission liaison have an in-depth 90 minute conversation about, How Admission Offices evaluate homeschooled applicants (Part 2 of 4). Preview (01:10:00) College Spotlight-Understanding Ursinus, an interview with Michael Keaton-Part 1 of 2. Preview of Part 2

  • Liam talks about how homeschooled students demonstrate college readiness, and Holly chimes in and adds some insights
  • Liam, Michele, and Holly discuss how test scores affect how homeschooled applicants are evaluated.
  • Michele and Holly discuss the challenge of APs for homeschooled applicants
  • Liam talks about what he does in his role of homeschool admissions liaison, and he talks about how common or rare it is for a college to have a homeschool specialist in their admission office

Mark’s recommended resource of the week (57:42): Recommended Resource: NACAC let’s you know which colleges are still admitting students for the class of 2024

College Spotlight : N/A


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