Podcast Episodes

Podcast Episodes2023-02-16T22:04:47-05:00

YCBK 510: Should Students Avoid The Topic Of Your Choice Prompt

Introduction : Susan and Mark discuss the Speakpipe question, “Why is NYU telling students to avoid prompt 7: Select a topic of your choice prompt? Mark interviews Kathleen deLaski, Founder of the Education Design Lab Preview of Part 1 : ² Kathleen DeLaski-shares her interesting background ² Kathleen tells us what the Educational Design Lab [...]

February 18, 2025|

YCBK 509: Does It Even Matter What Grades I Get In College?

In this week's episode you will hear In the News (7:14): Susan shares some observations from things that stood out while reading applications this year (Length 51 minutes) This week’s question (58:18): Julia and Mark answer a question from Alex, a student in DC, and he wants to know, does it even matter what my [...]

February 14, 2025|

YCBK 508: What Benefits Do You Get Besides Prestige If You Go To An Elite College

Introduction : Mark brings back Anika and Dave to give updates and to celebrate the start of year 8 Mark interviews Dean Christoph Guttentag, Understanding How Duke Makes Admissions Decisions - Part 3 of 3: Christoph make such an important point about the angular student and the well-rounded student that we start by letting you [...]

February 11, 2025|

YCBK 507: Everything You Need To Know About The New Digital ACT

In this week's episode you will hear In the News (1:57): Vince joins Mark to discuss an article about how some employers no longer want to hire IVY league graduates-2 of 2 (Length 16 minutes) This week’s question (17:55): Lisa and Lynda answer a Speakpipe question from a listener who wants to know, what resources [...]

February 11, 2025|

YCBK 506: Understanding How Duke Makes Admissions Decision-Part 2 of 3

Introduction : Mark shares one area where his counseling to students has changed over the years. He also shares an important takeaway from four conversations he had in the counseling room this week Mark interviews Dean Christoph Guttentag, Understanding How Duke Makes Admissions Decisions Part 2 of 3: Christoph talks about the ways in which [...]

February 3, 2025|

YCBK 505: Reasons Why Some Employers Don’t Want To Hire Ivy league grads

In this week's episode you will hear In the News (2:22): Vince joins Mark to discuss an article about how some employers no longer want to hire IVY league graduates-1 of 2 (Length 19 minutes) This week’s question (21:20): Hillary joins Mark to discuss a question from a anonymous parent who wants to know if [...]

February 3, 2025|

YCBK 504: Understanding How Duke Makes Admissions Decision-Part 1 of 3

Introduction : Julia and Mark discuss two admission trends they have noticed this year Mark interviews Dean Christoph Guttentag, Understanding How Duke Makes Admissions Decisions. Part 1 of 3: Christoph discusses how the admission file reading process works at Duke Christoph answers the question, if Duke allows one admission officer to auto deny a student [...]

January 27, 2025|

YCBK 503: What is a “Do No Harm” SAT/ACT Testing Policy

In this week's episode you will hear In the News (2:30): Vince joins Mark to discuss an article by Stephanie Saul that appeared in the NY Times in mid-December entitled, Lawsuit Accuses Georgetown of Admitting Students Based Solely on Wealth-2 of 2 (Length 17 minutes) This week’s question (19:32): Hillary joins Mark to discuss a [...]

January 27, 2025|

YCBK 502: Interview w/Dean Christoph Guttentag: Understanding Duke University-2/2

Introduction : Julia and Mark discuss a real concern that we are seeing in the student essays that we read and we want to keep students from missing out on an opportunity to bring themselves to life through the proper use of student essays Mark interviews Dean Christoph Guttentag, Understanding Duke University: Part 2 of [...]

January 22, 2025|

YCBK 501: Lawsuit Accuses Elite Colleges of Admitting Kids Based Solely on Wealth

In this week's episode you will hear In the News (25:58): Vince joins Mark to discuss an article by Stephanie Saul that appeared in the NY Times in mid-December entitled, Lawsuit Accuses Georgetown of Admitting Students Based Solely on Wealth (Length 15 minutes) This week’s question (40:04): Hillary joins Mark to discuss a question from [...]

January 18, 2025|

YCBK 500: Interview with Dean Christoph Guttentag: Understanding Duke University

Introduction : For episode 500, 21 listeners sent in verbal messages about lessons they have learned in the first 500 episodes that they feel can help other students and parents. Julia and Mark discuss the danger of having a top heavy college list. Interview : Mark interviews Dean Christoph Guttentag, Understanding Duke University, Part 1 [...]

January 18, 2025|

YCBK 499: Why Does The HS My Student Attends Matter In Admission Decisions

In this week's episode you will hear In the News (4:04): Julia and Mark answer a question from Amanda, how can I figure out if my student is in profile for a college if they are recalculating a GPA and I don’t know how they are recalculating it. (Length 23 minutes) This week’s question (27:02): [...]

January 11, 2025|

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