YCBK 459: How Can Colleges That Get 100,000 Applications Read All Those Apps
In this week's episode you will hear In the News (2:13): Mark and Andy Stricker (Dean of Admissions at Connecticut College) discuss how does athletic recruiting work for students who are applying to selective colleges. 2 of 9 (Length 18 minutes) This week’s question (20:35): Julia joins Mark to discuss how is it possible for [...]
YCBK 458: What Do You Do If One Parent Refuses To Fill Out The Financial Aid Forms
Introduction: Mark shares how colleges handle it if one parent refuses to complete the financial aid forms? Do you have any options? Vince interview Sarah Lovely, an expert in admissions and the arts. 1 of 5 - Part 1 Vince gives an in-depth preview of Sara’s background Sarah talks about her experience at Bowdoin, Brandeis, [...]
YCBK 457: How Do Pre-Reads Work For Athletic Recruits Applying To Selective Colleges
In this week's episode you will hear In the News (13:50): Mark and Andy Stricker (Dean of Admissions at Connecticut College) discuss how pre-reads work for athletic recruits applying to selective colleges. (Length 18 minutes) This week’s question (31:20): Susan joins Mark to answer a question from Jana from Oklahoma, How do we know if [...]
YCBK 456: How Students Can Get Accepted To Colleges With Scholarships in August
Introduction : Mark shares how students can relieve stress by getting some early acceptances with scholarships in August of their senior years by taking advantage of Direct Admissions Interview with Jay Rosner-Part 4 of 4: Jay, goes on the hotseat Jay explains what it was like testifying before the Supreme Court Julia shares how Jay [...]
YCBK 455: How To Know If A College Your Student Is Looking At Has Good Career Outcomes
In this week's episode you will hear Question Number 1 (6:00): Mark and Lisa answer a question from a student: If my sister turned down a highly selective school, will that be held against me? (Length 5 minutes) Question Number 2 (11:35): Susan joins Mark to answer a question, How does Landscape help admission officers [...]
YCBK 454: Topics To Avoid When Selecting A Topic For Your Personal Statement-1 of 2
Introduction : In the News-Julia and Mark discuss topics to avoid when selecting a topic for your Personal Statement (1 of 2) Interview with Jay Rosner-Part 3 of 4: We return to challenging Jay’s perspective and Jay explains why “test-free” is better than a school being test-optional Jay explains the history of the SAT and [...]
YCBK 453: How To Know If Your Student Is Competitive At An Honors College
In this week's episode you will hear In the News (2:36): Mark and Julia answer several question from Assaf from Rochester. He has several questions about Honors College’s (Length 21 minutes) This week’s question (23:45): Our roundtable is back (Hillary, Susan, Julia, Vince and Mark) and we discuss a few questions from an anonymous mom [...]
YCBK 452: A Test-Prep Expert With Over 40 Years Experience, Has Lost Faith In The ACT/SAT
Introduction : In the News-Julia and I discuss U Chicago’s new Early Decision Program Interview with Jay Rosner-Part 2 of 4: Jay explains what he believes the motivations are for the elite colleges Jay answers the question, why should a highly selective school not use testing, after all, they need some factor to differentiate where [...]
YCBK 451: How Do Colleges Evaluate the Rigor of Under-resourced HS That Do Not Have AP Courses
In this week's episode you will hear In the News (3:35): Mark and Julia answer a question about how colleges evaluate the rigor of under-resourced high schools that do not have many AP courses (Length 25 minutes) This week’s question (28:44): Our roundtable is back (Hillary, Susan, Julia, Vince and Mark) and we discuss a [...]
YCBK 450: The ACT is Overhauling its Test: Here are the Changes They are Making
Introduction : Mark shares the new changes that were announced this week Mark and Julia interview Jay Rosner on the Inherent Flaws with the ACT and the SAT-Part 1 of 4 Part 1 Preview : Julia does an intro of Jay Rosner and then Jay goes into more depth about his background Jay explains the [...]
YCBK 449: Enrollment Management: The Invisible Hand that Controls Admissions Decisions
In this week's episode you will hear In the News (2:25): Mark and Lisa answer the question from a listener: How can you know if a college makes holistic admissions decisions or whether they admit students by the number (Length 10 minutes) This week’s question (12:40): Our roundtable is back (Hillary, Susan, Julia, Vince and [...]
YCBK 448: Wake Forest and U Chicago Offer Early Decisions Months Before Other Colleges
Introduction: Mark and Julia discuss colleges that offer a binding early program months before their competitors, listen to learn about this unique way to apply to Wake Forest and to the University of Chicago. The two programs are similar in some ways but very different in other ways. After 5 years, Colonel Robert Kirkland is [...]
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