YCBK 440: The Importance of “Fit” When Selecting a College-Michael Keaton Interview

Introduction :
- Two of our listeners share advice from things they learned from going through the college process
- Mark interviews Michael Keaton, the VP of Enrollment at Ursinus College on “The Importance of Fit”
Preview :
- Julia and I interview Michael Keaton for the third of a trilogy of interviews we did with Michael, the first one was on “problems with the new FAFSA” then we did a Spotlight on Ursinus College and now Michael is talking about the importance of balancing Fit and Selectivity when selecting a college. Julia was with us on the interview but her audio dropped so you will only hear Michael and me
- Michael talks about the importance of fit when selecting a college, but then he makes a startling statement, he says, we all talk about fit but we don’t really believe in it because we send contradictory messages, listen to his take on that
- Michael talks about a great strategy for students to take when they are in high school
- Michael talks about the pressure colleges face to look very selective
- Michael talks about whether he feels families put too much emphasis on selectivity
- Michael has a great analogy involving Rolling Stones magazine
- Michael talks about how mass media covers college admissions
- Michael has a great analogy comparing selecting a college to buying a house
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