YCBK 446: Missed Opportunity: Not Getting All the Adults on The Same Page

Introduction :
- Mark shares six different groups of parents where he has seen conflict. Mark explains eight or nine areas where conflict arises on the college process.
- After 5 years, Colonel Robert Kirkland is back, Lynda interviews Rob on the Service Academies of West Point, the Naval Academy and the Air Force-Part 3 of 4
Preview : Part 3-Preview
- Rob explains how each congress person can ask for different letters of recommendation
- Rob explains how the Admission process is separate from the Congressional approval process
- Rob talks about the physical fitness evaluation process, how it is administered, who does the evaluation and how are the results communicated to the Service Academies
- Rob explains what 5 exercises are involved in the fitness assessment and he explains which of the 5 is the most dreaded exercise
- Rob talks about how the Service Academies view team sports
- Rob talks about what is involved in passing the medical exam and Rob shares some land mines that students have difficulties overcoming and how certain things are automatically disqualifying
- Rob talks about how the military looks at programs like C-Cadets, Young Marines, JROTC and Civil Air Patrol
- Rob talks about the service academies see a student that attends Summer Seminar
Sign up for our Q & A webinar with Holly Ramsey, Dr. Michele Evard and Liam Dailey, three homeschooling experts. They will discuss how colleges admissions experts evaluate homeschooled students – Events
Sign up for our Q & A webinar with Matt Carpenter, he will discuss “Paying for College” and he will answer your questions about paying for college, as well as how using College Aid Pro can help you with the cost of college – Events
You can also send in questions for our interviews by using speakpipe.com/YCBK. Our interviews are confirmed for 2024 with the following leaders at the following schools:
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