YCBK 480: What NACAC’s State of College Admission Report Reveals About How Admission Decisions Are Made

Mark and Susan discuss the history of NACAC and Susan shares what stood out to her at the NACAC conference. Mark interviews David Hawkins of NACAC, about factors 5-15 of the things that matter the most when admission decisions are made. : Rank these from 1 to 30 according to what is most important to you in a college
- Area Surrounding the College
- Campus Beauty-
- Campus is contained, protected, and distinct from the area outside the campus
- Campus Setting (large city, small city, suburban, college town, remote)
- Career Outcomes
- Class Size
- College Rankings
- Cost/Affordability
- Distance from home
- Diversity
- Experiential learning (Co-ops/Internships, Study-Abroad, Research
- Facilities
- Financial Resources and Financial Wealth
- Food Quality
- Friendliness
- Graduation and Retention Rates
- Housing Options
- Name Recognition/Prestige
- Nature/Green Spaces
- Overall Academic Excellence
- Political Climate
- Religious Affiliation and/or Religious Culture
- Residential vs Commuter Students
- Safety
- School Size-
- Sports/ School Spirit
- Strength in my major
- Student Support
- Weather
Mark interviews David Hawkins. Part 2-Preview:
- David introduces the next most important factor that colleges rated as considerably important and moderately important after the big four we discussed last week
- We have a robust conversation about the factor that came in at number 6 in the State of College Admissions Survey
- David introduces some more factors and where they came in and David and I have a robust conversation about why class rank has dropped so much from their past studies to where it is now
- David shares where standardized testing comes in and we also talk about why testing ranked so high in the past and why it has fallen so far in the recent State of College Admissions Report
- David walks through the final factors that show up as important but not in decisive numbers
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