YCBK 122: University of CA Suspends SAT/ACT Requirement [Transcript]
Drexel University (PA)

YCBK 123: Public Schools May Not Be Public Much Longer

In this week’s episode you will hear

In the News (17:52) : In this week’s news segment, an article from The New York Times, “The ‘Public’ in Public College Could Be Endangered”, by Kevin Carey. As the pandemic drills deeper into the budgets of public institutions, states are having to take even more drastic approaches to funding. Mark and Dave discuss what the consequences of states reducing their appropriations to colleges would mean for students and for colleges. (Length 23 minutes)


If you really enjoyed this topic, we also discussed the impact state cuts are having on Episode 97. Here is a link to that episode: https://yourcollegeboundkid.com/2019/12/05/ycbk-97-why-is-efc-so-important/

Chapter 123 of 171 Answers (40:01) : Mark runs down what he really thinks about the Parent PLUS loan.

171 Answers to the Most-Asked College Admission Questions
He shares about a dozen reasons he is concerned about the Parent PLUS loan but he closes by saying when he thinks the Parent PLUS loan can make sense. (Length 26 minutes)

This week’s question (1:06:27) is from Josie in FL, and she wants to know how having multiple kids in college at the same time impacts what she will have to pay for college for each student.

(Length 12 minutes)

This week’s interview (1:18:12) is with Carmen Chavez, a 12th grader from Miami, in: Reflections on my college admissions process, Part III.

Carmen Chavez
Carmen shares what she did right and what she would change about the college process. (Length 7 minutes)

Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:25:52) Recommended resource 1: The Chronicle of Higher Education is tracking what each school’s plans are for the fall. They have an alphabetized list of schools with a hyperlink taking you to their plans and the best news is, they are updating it pretty much every day. Here is the link: https://www.chronicle.com/article/Here-s-a-List-of-Colleges-/248626. Recommended resource 2: Parent Loan Repayment Calculator https://bigfuture.collegeboard.org/pay-for-college/loans/parent-loan-repayment

College Spotlight (1:39:55) : Drexel University (Drexel.edu) (Length 31 minutes)


You can also read a transcript of this episode here!


Don’t forget to send your questions related to any and every facet of the college process to: questions@yourcollegeboundkid.com

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Every episode of Your College-Bound Kid will align with a chapter from the book 171 Answers to the Most-Asked College Admission Questions. To get a copy visit 171answers.com and if you want to see what future episodes will cover just click the red button “See exactly what 171 Answers covers”.

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