YCBK184: Withholding transcripts over unpaid bills

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (11:00) : In this week’s “In the news segment”, a June 17th, 2021 article from Jon Marcus of the Hechinger report entitled, “Colleges fight attempts to stop them from withholding transcripts over unpaid bills” Dave and Mark discuss whether it is appropriate for colleges to withhold transcripts from colleges graduates because they have a financial balance. Mark and Dave agree about 75% but the more they talked the more it became apparent that their perspective slightly differs. Mark and Dave discuss how politicians are getting involved and weighing in on the legitimacy of this practice. They also talk about which students are the ones that this practice impacts the most. (length 16 minutes)
This week’s question (27 minutes) Tony from Illinois has a great question about how his junior son who has POTS should communicate this to colleges.

This week’s interview (50:08) This week’s interview is with a student, Kristen Mosley, a student at Spelman College. Student worked diligently to win 10 outside scholarships.

Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:01:09) Get Real and Get In: How to Get Into the College of Your Dreams by Being Your Authentic Self by Dr. Aviva Legatt
College Spotlight (1:14:55) : Our college Spotlight is Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania (https://www1.lehigh.edu/) (Length 34 minutes)
Don’t forget to send your questions related to any and every facet of the college process to: questions@yourcollegeboundkid.com
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