YCBK 204: A new push to create a 3-year degree [Transcript]
University College London (England)

YCBK 205: The new 3-year degree (Part 2)

In this week’s episode you will hear

In the News (12:25) : In this week’s “In the news” segment, a November 9th, 2021 article by Emma Whitford of “Inside Higher Ed”, “A New push to create a 3-year degree option”. Mark and Dave discuss a new 3-year degree. Is this a good idea or not? Which students are likely to take advantage of this? Mark and Dave discuss this and so much more. Part 2 of 2 (Length 8 minutes)


This week’s question (20:18) Mark was asked in our questionnaire what trends he is observing for the future concerning college admissions, Mark and Lisa discuss 15 different observations Mark has made about where he sees admissions trending over the next 5-10 years.

In Part 4 of 4 Mark and Lisa discuss the final four trends. (Length 40 minutes)

This week’s interview (1:00:35) Mark interviews two financial aid experts: Michael Ireland, Associate Director of Financial Aid and Courtney Hatch Blauvett, the Director of College Counseling at Miss Hall’s school and the former financial aid officer at four different colleges. Michael and Courtney answer 13 questions that listeners to YCBK sent in over the last three months on all topics related to paying for college, financial aid, scholarships, etc. This is part 4 of 5. Preview Part 4-preview: (1) Courtney takes the lead on the following question: Some schools like Franklin and Marshall offer an Early Estimate to students who apply Early Decision, is this different from a Net Price Calculator? https://www.fandm.edu/financial-aid/early-financial-aid-estimate Will a school stand by their Early Estimate and is this something other schools my child is considering will do if we ask them for an Early Estimate. (2) Courtney explains how the Early estimate is different from the net price calculators and she shares two other schools that do this, (3) Michael answers the question, how would you respond if someone said, Smith, other schools are doing an Early Estimate, will you do an Early Estimate? (4) Michael takes the lead on the following question: My child is applying to colleges that require the CSS PROFILE. I am divorced and the CSS PROFILE is asking for my ex to complete a non-custodial parent profile, but he has never been reliable, I know he just will not complete this, is there any option for my child or does she need to apply to schools that do not require this? (5) Michael talks about the process they take at Smith when these dilemmas arise to try to work it out so the student isn’t hurt, (6) Courtney speaks up about her experience,

Michael Ireland & Courtney Hatch-Blauvelt
(7) Courtney answers the following question: My child was approved for Work-Study? How does she actually get a work-study job and can she get a job that is related to her major? She plans on majoring in Biology, (8) Courtney shares how work-study has worked at the schools she has worked and and Michael chimes in and shares how work-study has worked at the schools he has worked at, (9) Michael takes the lead on the following question-What are some common mistakes you see students and parents make on either the FAFSA or the CSS PROFILE? (10) Michael and Courtney start this question on part four and finish up answering it on our final segment next week (Length 25 minutes)

Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:11:55) Our recommended resource for episode 205 is a great source for understanding how colleges look at and interpret an application. It is a case Study that two experienced Rice admission officers lead. If you want to know how the sausage is made: watch this 46 minute video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P99ERmU5EoU&list=PLM3RTC0IjLJ3RACrqo7tRgpNY30hGFaiY&index=10

College Spotlight (1:25:37) : Our College Spotlight is University College London (UCL) and Kevin Newton (our international university specialist) delivers the Spotlight. Part 2 of 2 (Length 21 minutes)

Don’t forget to send your questions related to any and every facet of the college process to: questions@yourcollegeboundkid.com

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Every episode of Your College-Bound Kid will align with a chapter from the book 171 Answers to the Most-Asked College Admission Questions. To get a copy visit 171answers.com and if you want to see what future episodes will cover just click the red button “See exactly what 171 Answers covers”.

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