YCBK 272: Dr. Martha Saunders, President, Understanding U of West Florida

In this week’s episode you will hear
Mark shares why the admission profession is in crisis right now. Mark shares three reference books he recommends every family have in their college admissions library. Mark shares one pet peeve he has in the vocabulary that so many people use. Mark does a Preview of the content of his interview with Dr. Martha Saunders-Part 3/3
Part 3-Preview
- Saunders talks about what makes the University of West Florida special and distinct from other colleges?
- Saunders talks about what are the programs that will draw a student to come to UWF from across the country. She points our three programs that are exceptional that are drawing students from all over.
- Saunders describes the type of student that thrives at UWF, and she also describes the type of student that is at risk of floundering
- Saunders tells us what she means when she refers to inner-ballast
- Saunders tells us the cost to come to UWF and why it is such a bargain
- Saunders goes on the hot seat
- Saunders talks about how to evaluate if a college is good at crisis communication. This is an area she is regarded as a national expert.
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