YCBK 293: Hi-scoring students drive up apps

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (26:36) : Julia and Mark discuss who are the students that are driving up the number of applications at selective colleges? What can we learn by a recent study that looks at the college application patterns of students.
https://www.highereddive.com/news/common-app-high-sat-private-school-application-increase/638459/ (Length 19 minutes)
This week’s question (45:24) Lisa and Mark discuss a question Tricia from California sent in via Speakpipe: What is the POSSE scholarship; I’ve heard Mark mention this a few times.

This week’s interview (1:13:36) Our interview is with Brian Hodges, the Senior Associate Director of Admissions at the University of Illinois-Urbana-Champaign. Lisa joins Mark for this interview. The topic is, “Understanding UIUC” and this is part 3 of 3. Preview for Part 3 : (1) Brian describes how holistic admissions works at UIUC, (2) Brian explains how admissions differ at other University of Illinois campuses?, (3) Brian comments on whether AP scores are factored in at UIUC for more competitive majors, (4) What is your advice for us as counselors as to how to advise our students whether they should submit their test scores for UIUC?, (5) How does state residency and geographic residency impact admissions decisions?, (6) What do students do for fun?, (7) Brian talks about the food scene in Champaign, (8) Brian explains why sometimes the location is referred to as Champaign and sometimes as Urbana, (9) Brian goes on the hot-seat in our lightning round (Length 24 minutes)
Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:26:30) The recommended resource is “How to get the most out of college: 127 Ways to Make Connections, Make it Work for You, and Make a Difference“, by Elliott Felix
College Spotlight (1:37:54) : Mark and Lynda Doepker discuss Whittier College for the College Spotlight
Don’t forget to send your questions related to any and every facet of the college process to: questions@yourcollegeboundkid.com
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