YCBK 353: Some Community College Grads Can Out-Earn Elite University Peers

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (13:05): Mark and Vince discuss an article that appeared in the LA Times on June 21st, 2023 by Teresa Watanabe entitled, “The Most Lucrative Majors, Some Community College Grads Can Out Earn Elite University Peers” (Length 20 minutes)
This week’s question (33:22): Mark and Julia answer a question from a college counselor who wants to know whether a student can write a poem about herself instead of writing an essay for their Personal Statement.

This week’s interview (46:27): Lisa continues her excellent interview with Evan Mandery, a professor at the John Jay College in the Department of Criminal Justice and he is the author of the book, “Poison Ivy”. Evan challenges the myth of the meritocracy when it comes to elite colleges, and he exposes the hypocrisy of elite colleges. Evan has an undergraduate degree from Harvard and a law degree from Harvard, but he does not hold back what he thinks about how schools like Harvard could be doing so much more than they are doing to help society, but they often exacerbate social inequality. Evan Mandery is the author of eight books, including four novels, as well as the co-creator and executive producer of the TV series Artificial, for which he won Peabody and Emmy awards in 2019. Part 3 of 3, Preview of Part 3:
- Evan says, we need to incentivize schools to prioritize under-resourced students because their current position is indefensible.
- Evan talks about the best things parents can do for their children
- Evan gives his advice for counselors, parents and students
- Lisa puts Evan on the hot seat (Length 25 minutes)
Mark’s recommended resource of the week : N/A
College Spotlight (1:11:00): Lynda and Lisa start a brand-new interview as Lynda recounts her recent visit to the University of San Francisco 1 of 2
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