YCBK 357: How college admissions has changed since the 1980’s and the 1990’s
YCBK 357: How college admissions has changed since the 1980’s and the 1990’s [Transcript]

YCBK 358: Updates on affirmative action, test-optional and paying for college

Introduction :

  • Mark gives updates from Emory, Wash U, Cornell, Rice and Pomona on Affirmative Action, the future of test-optional admissions, and paying for college.
  • Lisa interviews Brian Bertges, the Executive Director of Theta Delta Chi, a major national fraternity, they talk about fraternity life on college campuses.

Preview of Part 1 :

  • Brian gives his backstory.
  • Brian shares his own experience with joining a fraternity as a freshman, and it is quite a story indeed.
  • Brian explains the value a fraternity brings to the college student experience.
  • Brian answers the question, do fraternities have a drinking problem.
  • Lisa asks Brian, how often do fraternities go rogue and not follow the values.


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