YCBK 371: Clubs at Yale and other Universities have Become Competitive to the point of Absurdity

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (10:14): Mark and Dave discuss a recent article by Rachel Shin of the Atlantic that looks at how some clubs at Yale and other universities have become so hard to get into that they are absurdly competitive. Dave and I discuss why these clubs have become so hard to get into; they discuss whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. Rejected From an Extracurricular at Yale? Join the Club. (Length 32 minutes)
This week’s question (42:47): Mark and Lisa discuss a Speakpipe question from Dale from DC and he wants to know, how do colleges select which high schools to visit and what does a student need to do on these visits.

This week’s interview (1:03:04): Mark starts a brand new interview with Rick Clark, AVP and Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Georgia Tech and Brennan Barnard, Director of the Khan Labs Academy; Brennan and Rick discuss their new book and they also discuss the most challenging and controversial topics facing college admissions officers (Length 9 minutes)
Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:12:40): Recommended Resource: “The Moth and This I believe”
College Spotlight : N/A
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