YCBK 372: What you need to know about AI and how it is changing the job market
YCBK 372: What you need to know about AI and how it is changing the job market [Transcript]

YCBK 373: There Was Definitely a Thumb on the Scale to Get Boys This Year

In this week’s episode you will hear

In the News (15:05): Mark and Julia discuss an article that appeared in the New York Times on 9/26/2023 by Susan Dominus entitled, “There Was Definitely a Thumb on the Scale to Get Boys This Year”. Julia and I discuss the gender gap in college and how some college admission offices are prioritizing men more than ever when making admission decisions. ‘There Was Definitely a Thumb on the Scale to Get Boys’ – The New York Times (nytimes.com) (Length 23 minutes)

This week’s question (38:36): Mark and Julia discuss a Speakpipe question that asked us to follow up on a previous conversation Julia and I discussed about “standard strong’ students

(Length 44 minutes)

This week’s interview (1:22:54): Mark interviews Rick Clark, AVP and Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Georgia Tech and Brennan Barnard, Director of the Khan Labs Academy; Brennan and Rick discuss the most challenging and controversial topics facing college admissions officers (Part 2 of 3) – Part 2-Preview:

  • Brennan and Rick have a disagreement about Early Decision, each one shares their reason for their view on Early Decision
  • Rick discusses the encroachment of the federal government in regulating admissions practices.
  • Rick talks about how the admissions funnel is being threatened by all of the challenges.
  • Brennan and Rick discuss legacy admissions
  • Rick talks about race based affirmative action
  • Brennan talks about how athletic recruiting is the big conversation we are not having
  • Rick talks about how he and Brennan do not always agree on athletic recruiting and college admissions
  • Rick talks about how some people are naïve about the business realities of college admissions (Length 18 minutes)

Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:30:00): Recommended Resource: Speakpipe.com/YCBK is our method if you want to ask a question and we will be prioritizing all questions sent in via Speakpipe.

College Spotlight (1:40:54): Spotlight: University of Dayton 1 of 2 https://udayton.edu/


Speakpipe.com/YCBK is our preferred method for you to ask a question and we will be prioritizing all questions sent in via Speakpipe.

You can also use this for many other purposes: 1) Send us constructive criticism about how we can improve our podcast 2) Share an encouraging word about something you like about an episode or the podcast in general 3) Share a topic or an article you would like us to address 4) Share a speaker you want us to interview 5) Leave positive feedback for one of our interviewees. We will send your verbal feedback directly to them and I can almost assure you, your positive feedback will make their day.

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