YCBK 390: Resources to help you know if a college is financially stable [Transcript]
YCBK 391: Deferred or waitlisted? What do you do now?

YCBK 390: Resources to help you know if a college is financially stable

Introduction :

  • Mark has a couple announcements about YCBK coming to Raleigh/Durham
  • Mark and Lisa answer a question from Dale from DC about resources to help you know if a college is financially stable
  • Mark answers a question from Robin from Kansas that is also about how to know if a college is financially stable
  • Lynda interviews Soup Campbell, Head of Marketing and Brand at Zeemee-Part 2 of 4

Soup Campbell Interview : Part 2 of 4

  • Lynda asks Soup how does Zeemee get the word out to students about their services
  • Soup answers the question, “who is moderating the chat rooms”
  • Soup talks about how full moderation control works on Zeemee
  • Soup talks about whether Zeemee students are also on Insta and Snapchat and Discord
  • Lynda asks Soup whether there is a uniform standard for denouncing things like hate speech and foul language, or does each school create its own standard
  • Soup discusses how the roommate matching process works with Zeemee
  • Soup talks about how Zeemee creates friend groups

Mark’s recommended resource of the week : Recommended Resources for AI by Chris Chilbert


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