Interview 170: Gil Villanueva on “Understanding Rhodes College”

- Gil gives his bio.
- Gil answers the question, how is Rhodes different from other colleges.
- Gil describes the Rhodes campus.
- Gil explains how Rhodes lives out its mission statement.
- Gil gives us a profile of Rhodes College
- Gil explains how they have added a B to diversity equity and inclusion, and he tells us what the B stands for
- Gil talks about the upcoming enrollment cliff.
- Gil talks about the marketing strategies that have been effective for Rhodes.
- Gil tells us what Rhodes personality is.
- Gil answers the question, is there tension with you talking about diversity, equity, belonging and inclusion when you are located in a ruby red state.
- How does the honor code impact the student experience at Rhodes?
- I ask Gil, what does he hear from students are the best departments at Rhodes?
- I ask Gil if crime is a problem at Rhodes.
- I ask Gil if a student needs to be involved in Greek life to feel at home at Rhodes?