YCBK 417: Colleges are Perplexed at How to Get More Males To Apply and Enroll

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (6:30): Julia and Mark discuss an article by “Dean of Admissions Claudia Marroquin on the decline of male applicants to Bowdoin” but Julia and Mark know this is a national crisis, so they discuss the article in the context of the national challenge. Part 3 of 3
Mark shares a moving email that came in this week about why college is turning off many families. (Length 39 minutes)
This week’s question (45:10): Clare from VA asks about a special program offered at her school. She wants to know how colleges read transcripts from students who take these special programs (Length 20 minutes)
This week’s interview (1:05:50): Lydia Dagenais, a former admission officer at Haverford College and Swarthmore College is joined by Julia Esquivel, a co-host for YCBK but also a former Haverford College admission officer to discuss how Law School admissions works. Preview of Part 1 of 2
- How does Law school admissions work?
- Lydia tells us what LSAC is and she talks about the central role of LSAC in law school admissions
- Lydia talks about the requirements for the law school application
- Lydia talks about the role of the American Bar association
- Lydia talks about how the role of testing differs for law schools vs undergrad
- Lydia tells us what JD Next is
- Lydia shares what a student can do now to prepare for law school?
- Lydia gives some great advice on who to ask for your recommendations for law school?
- I ask Lydia to go in more depth about how LSAC helps the law school file reading process.
- Lydia talks about the role predictive modeling plays in law schools admissions (Length 33 minutes)
Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:22:48): Podcast | The Truth About College Admission Episode Dr. Lisa Damour interview
College Spotlight (1:38:47): Kevin Newton joins us to talk about the University of Edinburgh in Scotland, Part 1 of 2
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