YCBK 434: Why are there so many more kids from the local area at very selective colleges

Introduction :
- Mark and Lisa answer a question from Mary from South Dakota: Why are there so many kids from the local area at highly selective colleges
- Mark interviews John Hoffman: Reflections on 45 years doing college placement and school placement-Part 1 of 3
Preview of Part 1 :
- John shares his background
- John shares why a Jewish man from NY wants to work with black and brown and Asian kids
- John talks about how the college process is radically different now than it was 50 years ago
- John tells a story about a course he took at Columbia that had a profound impact on him, and it still impacts his understanding of human behavior today
- John explains what he means by having a T-20 mentality
Sign up for our Q & A session with YCBK co-hosts, Dr. Lisa Rouff and Lynda Doepker on Thursday, May 30th, 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST, 6:30 MST and 5:30 PST by going to Events
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