YCBK 438: What is Scholarship Displacement and What Can You Do About It

Introduction :
- Julia and I discuss Scholarship Displacement, what is it and is there anything you can do about it; are any states outlawing scholarship displacement
- Julia and Mark discuss Stanford’s return to requiring the SAT or the ACT and Mark has his first grinding my gears in the last 6 months.
- Mark interviews John Hoffman: Reflections on 45 years doing college placement and school placement-Part 3 of 3
Preview of part 3 :
- John talks about how Columbia’s core curriculum helped him
- I talk about why the Open Curriculum is appealing to me
- John goes on the hotseat
Sign up for our Q & A webinar with Holly Ramsey, Dr. Michele Evard and Liam Dailey, three homeschooling experts. They will discuss how colleges admissions experts evaluate homeschooled students – Events
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