YCBK 442: 50 Questions About Money To Talk to Your Student About When It Comes to College
YCBK 442: 50 Questions About Money To Talk to Your Student About When It Comes to College [Transcript]

YCBK 443: What Curriculum Gets Top Marks for Rigor at a Highly-Resourced High School

In this week’s episode you will hear

Question from a listener: Number 1 (2:08): Mark and Julia answer a question, If a student attends a highly resourced schools, what does a student have to do to get top grades for rigor (Length 29 minutess)

Question from a listener: Number 2 (31:28): Our roundtable is back (Hillary, Susan, Julia, Vince and Mark) and we are discussing several questions that came in from Amanda from Texas about the Honors section of the application, including, what happens if a high school doesn’t give honors. (Length 13 minutes)

This week’s interview (44:44): Mark interviews Matt Carpenter on the topic of, “Understanding four different loans students use to pay for college- 2 of 2. Preview of Part 2:

  • Matt gives his backstory
  • Matt shares how he got his college knowledge
  • Matt discusses why he is so bullish about the Federal Direct Student Loan
  • Matt shares his perspective on the Parent PLUS Loan and he has something we love at YCBK, he has plenty of nuance (Length 16 minutes)

Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:00:51): College Spotlight-Lynda Doepker interviews Tara Williams, the Dean of Barrett, Barrett, is the Honors College at Arizona State-Part 3 of 3

College Spotlight (52:43): Recommended Resource: “Harlan Cohen podcast”


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