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Interview 194: Don Hossler and Stephen Burd on “Enrollment Management”

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  • Stephen Burd gives his backstory and his history studying enrollment management
  • Stephen talks about how misleading financial aid awards are
  • Don Hossler shares his 40 years of researching and practicing enrollment management
  • Stephen shares why he took three years of his life to work on the book Lifting the Veil on Enrollment Management
  • Don tells us what Enrollment Management is
  • Stephen gives us the history of enrollment management
  • Don shares the positive side of Enrollment Management
  • I ask Don some very tough ethical questions about standard enrollment management practices, and he shares his view on whether these practices are ethical or not
  • Stephen speaks up about what he finds troubling
  • Don chimes in and tells us what a Mondo Scholarship is, and he explains why he has such a massive issue with Mondo scholarships
  • Don talks about the enormous pressure that senior admissions leaders are under to bring in net tuition revenue and achieve almost impossible goals, and he talks about the turnover rate in the profession
  • Stephen talks about what he refers to as the perverse incentive structure that enrollment management fosters and I push back and ask Stephen some tough questions to bring out another way to look at things
  • Don and Stephen talk about the role US News has played in making things worse
  • Stephan and Don talk about some firms leverage financial aid for every single student, and Don uses the word “repulsive” when referring to this practice
  • Don tells a story about a cruel thing he heard one of the more prominent firms say at an admissions conference
  • I ask Don another tricky question about financial aid leveraging, and he lets us know if he finds the practice ethical or unethical
  • I ask Don if he feels colleges tracking your web activity and factoring that into decisions, does he see this as ethical or unethical?
  • Don tells us whether more public universities are using demonstrated interest than they often let families know
  • Stephen talks about another practice he finds to be unethical in recruitment
  • Don talks about a director of admission who got fired because the President intentionally wanted him to recruit to reject, and he refused to recruit to dismiss more students, so he got fired
  • Stephen talks about how all of this financial leveraging is hurting colleges financially
  • Stephen tells us who he feels is being hurt by all of this financial aid leveraging
  • Stephen and Don go on the hot seat

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