YCBK 450: The ACT is Overhauling its Test: Here are the Changes They are Making

Introduction :
- Mark shares the new changes that were announced this week
- Mark and Julia interview Jay Rosner on the Inherent Flaws with the ACT and the SAT-Part 1 of 4
Part 1 Preview :
- Julia does an intro of Jay Rosner and then Jay goes into more depth about his background
- Jay explains the mission of the foundation that he works for
- Jay explains why he went from running a Princeton Review test prep office 35 years ago to someone who has become more opposed to the SAT and the ACT the longer he lives
- Jay answer the question, isn’t the standardized testing the one common benchmark in the file
- Jay explains why the hierarchal nature of the test is something he finds troubling
- Jay shares his thoughts on the research Brown and Dartmouth have released supporting their return to requiring the tests. Jay talks about omitting variable bias
- Jay shares the research done by Saul Giser about what the SAT/ACT actually test and why he finds it so compelling
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