YCBK 457: How Do Pre-Reads Work For Athletic Recruits Applying To Selective Colleges

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (13:50): Mark and Andy Stricker (Dean of Admissions at Connecticut College) discuss how pre-reads work for athletic recruits applying to selective colleges. (Length 18 minutes)
This week’s question (31:20): Susan joins Mark to answer a question from Jana from Oklahoma, How do we know if a college has quality teaching? (Length 24 minutes)
This week’s interview (55:45): Mark interviews Carlynn Greene, AKA, “the Scholarship Guru” on the topic of, How to Win Outside Scholarships, 2 of 4 Part 2 preview
- Carlynn discusses why students should prioritize local scholarship
- Carlynn discusses winning credit union scholarships
- Carlynn discusses how to use Google to search for scholarships
- Carlynn discusses winning scholarships that you find from your local high school
- Carlynn discusses winning scholarships from other high schools in the area
- Carlynn discusses libraries and local newspapers as sources for scholarships
- Carlynn discusses how college students should use their email newsletters from their department
- Carlynn tells us when students should start looking for scholarships
- Carlynn shares one of the biggest mistakes she sees students make
- Carlynn shares what she would do differently now that she knows what she knows
- Carlynn tells us scholarship committees are and what they look for
- Carlynn gives us a great tip for finding scholarships on Google
- Carlynn gives us multiple tips for the essay writing part of the application
- Carlynn shares advice about self-assessing if you are a good candidate for a scholarship
Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:06:15): Common App, Application Requirements
College Spotlight (1:18:50): University in London with Kevin Newton
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