YCBK 459: How Can Colleges That Get 100,000 Applications Read All Those Apps

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (2:13): Mark and Andy Stricker (Dean of Admissions at Connecticut College) discuss how does athletic recruiting work for students who are applying to selective colleges. 2 of 9 (Length 18 minutes)
This week’s question (20:35): Julia joins Mark to discuss how is it possible for colleges that get inundated with applications to read all of those files Julia joins Mark to discuss how is it possible for colleges that get inundated with applications to read all of those files (Length 13 minutes)
This week’s interview (33:00): Mark interviews Carlynn Greene, AKA, “the Scholarship Guru” on the topic of, How to Win Outside Scholarships, 3 of 4. Preview of Part 3
- Carlynn gives us many different tips when it comes to getting reference letters aka letters of recommendation
- Carlynn defines scholarship displacement, and she shares some tips to help students avoid getting their scholarship displaced
- Carlynn talks whether it is important for a student to be involved in service and philanthropy
- Carlynn talks about sweepstakes scholarships
- I share what I like about bold.org and goingmerry for searching for scholarships
- Carlynn shares her thought on Scholly
- Carlynn shares her tips for staying organized
- Carlynn talks about some of the resources that she has on her website that can help students and she shares her website with us
- Carlynn talks about what she covers in the book she wrote, Scholarship Algorithm
- Carlynn shares her other services she offers (Length 21 minutes)
Mark’s recommended resource of the week (41:18): Tips for completing the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) Help With SRAR: Part 1, Getting Started
College Spotlight (54:00): University in London with Kevin Newton-2 of 4
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