Interview 201: Julia Mottet and Lara Perissinotto on “Having an accountability partner for outside scholarships”

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- Julia shares how the interview on YCBK with Kristen Moseley inspired her to find scholarships for Lara
- Lara talks about how busy she was Julia talks about the role that she played and the role Lara played
- Lara talks about how discouraged she was when she kept getting rejected
- Julia talked about how she had to change her admissions strategy
- Julia and Lara talked about how much Carlynn Greene’s book, “The Scholarship Algorithm”, helped her to change her strategy of what to include in her applications
- Lara talks about what they liked so much about “The Scholarship Algorithm”
- Lara talks about the two most accessible types of scholarships to win
- Lara explains what an affinity scholarship is
- Lara and Julia shared some of the best tips they learned from their scholarship search
- Lara talks about the 50 scholarships she applied to
- Julia talks about the project management software they used
- Lara talks about two things that scholarship committees look for: one tip is related to extracurricular activities, and one is related to recommendation letters
- Julia shares one mistake she made several times that was a waste of time
- Julia shares a tip on how to find out if you are a good match for a scholarship
- Lara talks about applying for scholarships with multiple winners, and Julia shares some fascinating statistics about this
- Lara talks about what she would do differently
- Julia tells us why she likes the website, and she talks about how helpful it is to use the Common Scholarships: Opportunities with similar essays
- Lara shares some excellent words of advice