YCBK 477: Do You Need to Tell A College If You Drop a Course In the Middle of The 12th Grade

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (2:20): Mark and Julia discuss whether a student needs to tell a college if they drop a course in the senior year after reporting that they would be taking the course in the 12th grade? (Length 6 minutes)
This week’s question (8:22): Our Roundtable is back; this time it is Hillary Dickman, Vince Garcia, Susan Tree and Mark Stucker and they answer a question about the use of video submission in your applications-Part 2 of 2 (Length 15 minutes)
This week’s interview (23:06): Jay Rosner explains tips for students to get their highest possible score when prepping for the ACT and the SAT-Part 2 of 4
- Jay elaborates on something he said last week: understanding the importance of the performance side of prepping for the SAT/ACT
- Jay gives his advice on whether a student should do self-prep, do group test prep, or do one one test prep
- Jay talks about how many times a week a student should meet with their test prep tutor
- Jay talks about how you have to prepare differently for an adaptive test (Length 20 minutes)
Mark’s recommended resource of the week : N/A
College Spotlight (53:15): Furman University-Part 2 of 2
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