YCBK 483: Do Colleges Intentionally Not Accept Students From Certain High Schools

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (4:37) : Hillary and Mark examine why some high schools may have a very poor track record of sending kids to a particular college, but how students and parents have to be very careful to not misinterpret what this means. (Length 11 minutes)
This week’s question (14:50): Mark and Susan answer a question from a listener, and they share tips of what a student and family can do to find out more about what the housing situation is like for any college campus under consideration (Length 18 minutes)
This week’s interview (32:56): Interview: Gloria and Terry Crawford, Answering FAQ about Glimpse Video. Preview of Part 1 of 5
- Terry and Gloria share the history of Glimpse
- Gloria shares why they changed the name from Elevator Pitch to “Glimpse”
- Terry gives an overview of Glimpse video and he shares the need that Glimpse video meets in the marketplace, and then Gloria adds some additional reasons why Glimpse is valuable to college admissions rep,
- Gloria shares how a student can avoid feeling a lot of pressure, like their admissions offer depends on their video
- Terry shares some of the safety guards built into Glimpse to take the pressure of students (Length 24 minutes)
Interview with Fabrizio D’Aloisio- Associate Vice Provost for Enrollment Management and Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions : Preview of Part 1
- Fabrizio explains his backstory, including why he chose to come to work at the University of Tennessee
- I explain what Fabrizio said to me on my visit there that made me want him to come on the podcast
- Fabrizio explains the importance of the 3 P’s and he tells us what the 3 P’s are
- Fabrizio talks about what the regional recruiter does and he explains how UTK used regionals very effectively to penetrate different markets
- I ask Fabrizio a question that has always confounded me about why some admission officers are cynical about the value of Regional Admission officers
- Fabrizio talks about why it takes three years before you really see the fruit from your labor from using Regionals to effectively recruit
- Fabrizio talks about whether they plan on adding more Regionals, scaling back on the Regionals or cutting back
College Spotlight (56:44): University of Tennessee at Knoxville (Part 1 of 5)
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