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YCBK 506: Understanding How Duke Makes Admissions Decision-Part 2 of 3 [Transcript]

YCBK 506: Understanding How Duke Makes Admissions Decision-Part 2 of 3

Introduction : Mark shares one area where his counseling to students has changed over the years. He also shares an important takeaway from four conversations he had in the counseling room this week

Mark interviews Dean Christoph Guttentag, Understanding How Duke Makes Admissions Decisions Part 2 of 3:

  • Christoph talks about the ways in which faculty take an interest in students
  • Christoph talks about the multiple advisors students receive at Duke
  • Christoph shares some of Duke’s institutional priorities and where Duke is heading now and he gives several examples of Duke implementing these priorities
  • Is Duke a challenging place for an introvert?
  • Christoph answers the question, what does Duke need to work on to be an even better place
  • Christoph answers a question, Is their a sizable cohort of students at Duke that are so wealthy that they are disconnected from everyday people?


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