

Interview 219: Kathleen Delaski on “Who needs college anymore”

The player may not work on Safari Kathleen DeLaski shares her interesting background Kathleen tells us what the Educational Design Lab is and what they do Kathleen tells us why she wrote her book, and she opens up and share things about her kids I introduce Kathleen’s book, “Who Needs College Anymore.” Kathleen answers the [...]

March 23, 2025|

Interview 218: Ben Neely on “Understanding the new Digital ACT”

The player may not work on Safari Ben shares his role at Revolution Prep Ben shares why the ACT has decided to go digital Ben shares some of the reasons he believes the ACT has gone digital and that the ACT will never let you know Ben shares the timeline of when the ACT is [...]

February 20, 2025|

Interview 216: Rob Franek on “Princeton Review Student Surveys”

The player may not work on Safari Rob shares his backstory Rob shares how his work at Wagner informs his work today Rob talks about the survey called “College Hopes and Worries” that Princeton Review has done for 20 consecutive years, and he reveals what the survey results have revealed Rob shares what students can [...]

January 26, 2025|

Interview 215: Christoph Guttentag on “Understanding Duke University”

The player may not work on Safari Christoph gives his backstory Christoph lets us know the difference between the East Campus and the West Campus Christoph explains the difference between the Trinity School and the Pratt School Mark says, you are always asking our students, “Why Duke”, so I am going to turn that question [...]

January 26, 2025|

Interview 214: Erin Lewellen on “Myths about Generation Z”

The player may not work on Safari Lisa gives an overview of Erin Lewellen’s background Erin shares her experience with social impact organizations Erin is the CEO of Tilting Futures, and she tells us what Tilting Futures Is Lisa introduces our Topic for this interview, Busting myths about Gen Z Lisa asked Erin about the [...]

January 10, 2025|

Interview 210: Gloria and Terry Crawford, Founders of “Glimpse Videos” answer FAQ about Glimpse Videos and College Admissions

The player may not work on Safari Terry and Gloria share the history of Glimpse Gloria shares why they changed the name from Elevator Pitch to “Glimpse.” Terry gives an overview of Glimpse video, and he shares the need that Glimpse video meets in the marketplace, and then Gloria adds some additional reasons why Glimpse [...]

November 13, 2024|

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