YCBK 431: Filling out the Activities Section of the Common App: Do’s and Don’ts, 3 of 3 [Transcript]
YCBK 433: Is Enrollment Management Destroying Colleges-Part 1 of 2

YCBK 432: Jeff Selingo Interview: Miscellaneous Topics

Introduction :

  • Mark shares some updates about upcoming webinars and YCBK meet and greets
  • Suan and Julia answer a question from a mom with three high school students that are 18 months apart in age; she wants to know of a good organizational tool to help with the college process
  • Mark interviews Jeff Selingo on a range of topics including: undergraduate and graduate certificates, his book, “Who Gets In and Why”, his 2025 book he is working on, dual enrollment and more
  • Mark plays a Speakpipe question he has played before but this time he gives some new commentary

Preview of Part 2:

  • Jeff discusses where he sees undergraduate and graduate certificates going, will they be a competitor to the college degree?
  • Jeff discusses what he learned from his experience spending a life inside three different admission offices
  • Jeff answers a confusing question I have: Just how many high schools are there
  • Jeff tells us about a new book he has coming out in 2025
  • Jeff goes on the hotseat in our lightning round
  • Jeff shares how to connect with him and his content
  • Jeff talks about his thoughts on dual enrollment


Sign up for our Q & A session with YCBK co-hosts, Dr. Lisa Rouff and Lynda Doepker on Thursday, May 30th, 8:30 EST, 7:30 CST, 6:30 MST and 5:30 PST by going to Events


You can also send in questions for our interviews by using speakpipe.com/YCBK. Our interviews are confirmed for 2024 with the following leaders at the following schools:

To sign up to receive Your College-Bound Kid PLUS, our free quarterly admissions deep-dive, delivered directly to your email four times a year, just go to yourcollegeboundkid.com, and you will see the sign up on the right side of the page under “the Listen to our podcast icons”

Follow Mark Stucker on Twitter to get breaking college admission news, and updates about the podcast before they go live. You can ask questions on Twitter that he will answer on the podcast. Mark will also share additional hot topics in the news and breaking news on this Twitter feed. Twitter message is also the preferred way to ask questions for our podcast: https://twitter.com/YCBKpodcast

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