YCBK 432: Jeff Selingo Interview: Miscellaneous Topics
YCBK 432: Jeff Selingo Interview: Miscellaneous Topics [Transcript]

YCBK 433: Is Enrollment Management Destroying Colleges-Part 1 of 2

In this week’s episode you will hear

In the News (26:16): Susan and Mark discuss an Inside Higher Ed article by Liam Knox, entitled, “Pulling Back the Veil” on Enrollment Management. The article is an interview with Stephen Burd on his new book that blames the multi-million-dollar field of enrollment management for much of higher education’s woes. Part 1 of 2 (Length 21 minutes)

This week’s question (47:30): A dad from Texas wants to know, when colleges list their cost of attendance and they list their travel costs, how do they determine the number they list under travel costs. Julia joins Mark as they discuss this. (Length 15 minutes)

This week’s interview (1:02:40): Two college counselors who specialize in working with homeschooled applicants (Dr. Michele Evard and Holly Ramsey) and a Senior Associate Director of Admissions (Liam Dailey) who works at Beloit College but serves as Beloit College’s admission liaison have an in-depth 90 minute conversation about, How Admission Offices evaluate homeschooled applicants (Part 3 of 4). Preview. Preview of Part 3

  • Liam talks about how homeschooled students demonstrate college readiness, and Holly chimes in and adds some insights
  • Liam, Michele, and Holly discuss how test scores affect how homeschooled applicants are evaluated.
  • Michele and Holly discuss the challenge of APs for homeschooled applicants
  • Liam talks about what he does in his role of homeschool admissions liaison, and he talks about how common or rare it is for a college to have a homeschool specialist in their admission office

Mark’s recommended resource of the week : N/A

College Spotlight (1:28:42): Our international specialist, Kevin Newton is back and he joins Mark to do a deep dive on the London School of Economics -Part 1 of 3


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