Interview 5: Deb Shaver on “What are the advantages of attending a Women’s College”
Deb Shaver, Dean of Admissions at Smith College from 1994 until 2018, talks about her 38 years in admissions, discussing the five colleges she has worked at. Next Deb shares the research about the ways women who attend Women’s colleges outperform their peers who attend coed schools. Deb encourages listeners to go to to research Women’s colleges and to read more about the studies revealing the success women have had who attend Women’s Colleges. Deb shares how she responds to some specific stereotypes about Womens Colleges. Deb shares some examples of scenarios when she feels particularly passionate that a student is an exceptional match for a Women College. This is an interview with a seasoned pro who makes a compelling case why women should at least seriously consider Women’s colleges. (Length 15:03).