YCBK18: A New Approach to Find Colleges that are Interested in Your Kid [Transcript]
YCBK19: How Your Kid Can Use College Reviews to Learn About the Schools on Their List

Interview 6: Carol Conchar on “Advice for Theater majors”

Carol Conchar
Carol Conchar has been a Regional Admissions Director at George Washington since 1999. She discusses how she got interested in the Arts. Carol shares some different schooling options for theater majors. Carol discusses the requirements for admissions for theater majors that are standard as well as those that are sometimes required. Carol gives her advice for students about auditions and summer camps. Carol gives her recommendations to the student that is passionate about theater. Carol talks about various career options for theater majors. Carol shares the opportunities George Washington offers its students through the Concoran School of the Arts and Design (https://corcoran.gwu.edu). If you enjoyed interview, you will likely also enjoy Carol’s interview about what music majors need to know about the college admissions process that is unique to their applications. (Length 19:41).

You can also listen on Episode 19

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