Interview 16: Jake Neuberg on “The Revolution Prep story”

Jake shares how Revolution Prep is different from other test prep companies? Jake describes some of the distinctive programs that Revolution Prep offers such as: Homework Help, their unique money back guarantee and their Revolution Math Program. Jake describes the advantages of taking online test prep with a top-notch instructor. Jake also discusses the unique challenges that occur when you do your test prep online with an instructor. Jake does not shy away from answering the following question, If someone asks you, if I sign up for test prep with Revolution Prep, let’s say for the ACT or SAT, how much can I expect my scores to improve. Jakes also answers the following question, Jake, you have been doing this for more than 15 years now, what have you learned about test prep? Jake tells some true stories in this interview that are interesting and compelling. (Length 41:58)