YCBK 76: Mistakes Parents Make in the Application Process
YCBK 77: How are Transfer Students Evaluated? [Transcript]

YCBK 77: How are Transfer Students Evaluated?

In this week’s episode you will hear

In the News (3:36): In this week’s news, an article from the Wall Street Journal, “Colleges Mine Data on their Applicants” by Douglas Belkin.

Douglas Belkin

Wall Street Journal

Some colleges are tracking the online activity of prospective students to evaluate their demonstrated interest in the schools. From how fast they open their emails, if they click any links, to how long they spend reading the content. Belkin shares how schools, such as Seton Hall University in NJ, have a scoring system based on a student’s online activity. Mark and Anika have a robust discussion about whether this is appropriate. They also discuss why there is so much blowback to this practice but they also converse about why colleges are reluctant to not employ some of these tactics to help them bring in their admitted class. (Length 22:16)

Chapter 77 of 171 Answers (25:52): We are in Chapter 77 of 171 Answers and Mark shares how admission offices evaluate applicants who are transferring from another college.

171 Answers to the Most-Asked College Admission Questions
It is important to understand the wide range of approaches that colleges use, both from their admission processes, their admission rates and their dates and deadlines. Mark and Anika discuss this and so much more including what factors are often most important in the evaluation. We also discuss why using the Common Data Set is important for transfers. (Length 12:35)

This week’s question (38:27) This week’s question is from a listener who wants to know how colleges view applicants that graduate a year early from high school.

We discuss how colleges perceive these applicants. Are they hurt in the college process or the college transition? (Length 4:10)

This week’s interview (42:37) Mark continues his interview with Admissions Dean Greg Roberts as they transition into “Understanding the University of Virginia”.

Some of the things Greg discusses in this interview include: · Why a large number of public schools do not do a holistic admissions review · How the Varsity Blues scandal is impacting admissions · The different vision that politicians have about what the role of public education should be. (Length 16 minutes)

 Mark’s recommended resource of the week (51:44) Mark’s recommended resource of the week is the book,

Don’t forget to send your questions related to any and every facet of the college process to: questions@yourcollegeboundkid.com

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Every episode of Your College-Bound Kid will align with a chapter from the book 171 Answers to the Most-Asked College Admission Questions. To get a copy visit 171answers.com and if you want to see what future episodes will cover just click the red button “See exactly what 171 Answers covers”.

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