Amherst College (MA)
YCBK 202: Universities can’t dodge ethics

Interview 82: Matt McGann on “Understanding Amherst College”

Matt McGann
  • Matt gives us an overview of Amherst college
  • Matt explains what the Liberal Arts actually are
  • Matt tells us what he thinks Amherst does very well compared to other schools that students look at. Matt highlights two things in particular that Amherst does very well, based on their research
  • Matt talks about the percentage of students on campus at Amherst
  • Matt shares the things that Amherst needs to do to be even better
  • Matt tells us what the 5 College Consortium is and he gives a very brief overview of each of the 5 colleges in the consortium
  • Matt shares the benefits of being at a school that gives you access to the 5 College Consortium
  • Matt tells us what Amherst admissions officers are looking for in an applicant
  • I put Matt on the hot seat and you will learn about a side of Matt that didn’t come out in the formal part of the interview

You can also listen on Episode 200 and Episode 201

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