YCBK 223: The College Admission Process is Completely Broken

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (15:14) : In this segment of “In the News” Mark and Dave discuss a March 23rd, 2022 article by Jeffrey Selingo that appeared in “The Atlantic” entitled, “The College Admissions Process is Completely Broken”. Mark points out what he believes are the most insightful points Selingo makes and he also points out some areas where he thinks Selingo didn’t mention some other important points that are contributing to a broken college admission system. (Length 34 minutes)
This week’s question (47:00) Question from a listener- If you like our article discussions, you will get a double dose in episode 222. Our question from a listener asks Lisa what she thinks of Derek Thompson, article in the Atlantic entitled, “Why American teens are so sad”. Mark and Lisa comment on the last two points in this article in the Atlantic. This is part 2 of a two part answer, so if you missed last week, we encourage you to go back and listen.

(Length 21 minutes)
This week’s interview (1:08:02) Our Interview is with Dr. Roger Parrott, the President of Belhaven University in Jackson, Mississippi. Topic “What are the Major Trends Impacting Higher Education” Part 2 of 2: (1) Roger picks up our conversation and makes a third point to the question, “What keeps presidents up at night”, (2) Roger gives an answer that is profound when it comes to how to evaluate the financial health of private colleges, (3) Roger gives his perspective on whether looking at enrollment trends is an important way to evaluate the financial health of the school, (4) Roger gives her perspective of looking at endowment as an indication of financial health, (5) Roger talks about the financial and educational value of online programs, (6) Roger talks about why so many colleges struggle to implement successful online degree programs, (7) Roger shares his biggest concern about online education, (8) Roger honestly answers the question, how much pressure to your fellow Presidents feel to climb the rankings, (9) Roger gives his opinion of what US News measures,

Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:20:20) Our recommended resource for episode 223 is the YouTube channel “Med School Insiders”. They have over 300 videos that answer some of the most frequent questions that a student or parent have about med school. These animated videos are subscribed to by over 1.44 million people.
College Spotlight (1:34:10) : Our College Spotlight looks at, “Understanding The University of Illinois Chicago, aka UIC. This is part 2 of 2 (Length 16 minutes)
Don’t forget to send your questions related to any and every facet of the college process to: questions@yourcollegeboundkid.com
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Every episode of Your College-Bound Kid will align with a chapter from the book 171 Answers to the Most-Asked College Admission Questions. To get a copy visit 171answers.com and if you want to see what future episodes will cover just click the red button “See exactly what 171 Answers covers”.