YCBK 262: Two big announcements and Darrell Edmonds interview Part 2 of 2

In this week’s episode you will hear
Introduction: Mark shares two big announcements plus Part 2 of Mark’s interview with Darrell Edmonds gets more into what has changed at the University of Delaware
Preview of Part 2 Darrell gets into the things that are new at Delaware
- Darrell listened to the Spotlight I did twice on University of Delaware, so he adds some additional things that I didn’t cover
- Darrell talks about the STARZ campus
- Darrell talks about the athletic center
Mark’s recommended resource of the week Here is a step by step walkthrough for the FAFSA
How to fill out the 2023-24 FAFSA – YouTube : In this tutorial walk-through, Kierstan Dufour, Assistant Director and Project Manager at Get2College, guides students and parents on how to fill out the 2023-24 FAFSA for dependent students from start to finish.
Walkthrough for the CSS profile : https://www.mefa.org/videos/family-webinar-series-the-cssfinancial-aid-profile. What to Know About the CSS Profile TM – MEFA : This webinar introduces the nuts and bolts of the CSS Profile TM, a financial aid application required by roughly 300 colleges, universities, and scholarship agencies across the country. Topics include tips on completing the Profile, specific financial and household data collected, and how colleges and universities use the application information. (https://www.mefa.org)
Don’t forget to send your questions related to any and every facet of the college process to: questions@yourcollegeboundkid.com
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Every episode of Your College-Bound Kid will align with a chapter from the book 171 Answers to the Most-Asked College Admission Questions. To get a copy visit 171answers.com and if you want to see what future episodes will cover just click the red button “See exactly what 171 Answers covers”.