YCBK 304: Kirby Mcilyar Interview-How to choose a major and a career-2 of 3

Introduction :
- Mark shares four Higher Ed updates
- Susan answers the Speakpipe question, Why does the College Board have so many fees? Cortnie
- Mark interviews Kirby MciIlyar, an expert on helping students and adults find their best majors and career matches-Part 2 of 3
Preview Part 2:
- Kirby shares how smaller schools can be different from larger schools
- Kirby shares what not to do but her advice is different depending on the school size
- Kirby explains what an IUT is
- Kirby explains how the bureaucracy can impact your college major
- Kirby explains how there are some good card sorts to help with interest inventories.
- Kirby explains what makes Highland testing special.
- Kirby differentiates Values from SKILLS from Goals from Ability testing.
- Kirby and Lisa both share some great stories about people who pursued a career that was not values aligned or interest aligned
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