Interview 148: Akil Bello on “Tough Questions about Test Scores Interview”

- Akil gives his backstory, walking us up to what he is doing now
- Akil tells us what the mission of Fairtest is, and he explains why the mission appeals to him
- Akil explains the new Digital SAT; he shares the pros and cons of the new test
- Akil explains his thoughts on whether it is a good thing that the Digital SAT is an adaptive test
- Akil explains the problem that he has with the College Board
- Akil shares his perspective on schools like MIT and Purdue, and Georgetown requiring test scores
- Akil shares what is arguably his biggest beef with how test scores are used
- Akil shares where he sees the test-optional movement going
- Akil talks about the College Board’s validity studies
- Akil answers the question, isn’t it hypocritical for you to be so critical of the SAT and to make money as an SAT tutor
- Akil answers the question, is it easier to improve your ACT or SAT scores?
- Akil answers the question, is it easier to get a perfect score on the ACT than the SAT
- Akil shares whether he thinks the ACT or the SAT is better for the student who is strong at math
- Akil shares what score gain a student can typically expect if they are trying to assess the ROI if they invest in test prep
- Akil shares his theory of when a student should start their test prep
- Akil shares why there are such persistent test scores differences between races, gender, and International vs. US students
- Akil critiques my advice to students who want to do their own self-prep for lack of resources.
- Akil talks about how the tests often test “performance under pressure.”
- Akil answers the question, “Is the SAT culturally biased”
- What is your advice to someone who struggles with test anxiety?
- Akil goes on the hot seat.