YCBK 365: Colleges spend like there is no tomorrow, these college devour money [Transcript]
YCBK 365: Colleges spend like there is no tomorrow, these college devour money

YCBK 364: Who actually gets in the most competitive colleges-Part 2?

Introduction :

  • Mark and Julia describe the difference between the student with really high grades and test scores and academic rigor that gets in the most competitive colleges versus the student with great testing, grades and rigor who doesn’t get in (Part 2 of 2)
  • Lisa interviews Dr. Eric Kneubuehl, the Associate Vice Chancellor of Student Life on the Importance of Student Engagement. Part 1 of 4

Preview of Part 1 :

  • Dr. Eric Kneubuehl gives his backstory
  • Eric shares what the research shows when a student has an on campus job vs an off campus job
  • Eric shares some of the other benefits that the data shows accrue to students who are more engaged in the college vs the student that is less engaged in the college
  • Eric talks about the 50-60 recommendation letters he writes a year
  • Lisa asks Eric what does East Carolina specifically do to help with student success?


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