YCBK 365: Colleges spend like there is no tomorrow, these college devour money

In this week’s episode you will hear
In the News (16:38): Mark and Vince discuss the Wall Street Journal article entitled, “Colleges spend like there is no tomorrow, “These colleges are just devouring money”. The article is written by Melissa Korn, Andrea Fuller and Jennifer Forsyth (Length 15 minutes)
This week’s question (31:20): We have a special guest who will answer a Speakpipe question from from an anonymous listener who wants to know why do some colleges want to know how long you have lived in another country?

This week’s interview (40:28): Mark interviews Ron Lieber, author of the book, “The Price You Pay for College” and the author of the “You Money” column. Preview of Part 2
- Ron and I continue our conversation about the objections that financial aid offices have to giving a guaranteed price in advance, and why they feel it is not realistic for colleges to do this
- I ask Ron, why do so few schools do what Whitman and College of Wooster are doing if it is such a good idea, people usually copy what is working in admissions. (Length 24 minutes)
Mark’s recommended resource of the week (49:22): The publication, “Diverse Issues in Higher Ed”. This is a resource educational professionals have turned to for decades
College Spotlight (1:04:26): Rice University – Part 1 of 2 https://www.rice.edu/
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