YCBK 386: Mark and Julia discuss and debate essay length and resumes
YCBK 386: Mark and Julia discuss and debate essay length and resumes [Transcript]

YCBK 387: Six different types of college visits explained

In this week’s episode you will hear

In the News (23:20): Vince shares a number of admission tips for our listeners. Vince and Mark begin a discussion of an article that appeared in “The Chronicle of Higher Education” on 9/27/2023 entitled, The ‘Student List’ Business Is Changing. Will That Make Student Recruitment Less Equitable? (Length 10 minutes)

This week’s question (33:48): Julia and Mark answer a question from Amy from South Carolina about housing deposits.

(Length 10 minutes)

This week’s interview (43:50): Mark interviews Marissa Salizar in what will be a five part series that will be over 90 minutes, that will do a deep dive on all things college visit. Marissa is over all the visitation programs at Colorado College, and we cover: “Open Houses, “overnight visits”, “admitted-student visits”, “fly-in programs’ and “self-guided tours” Part 3 of 5. Preview-Part 3

  • Marissa describes what is required for the application for a fly-in program and what does the selection process look like
  • Marissa talks about what actually happens on the fly-in when a student gets to Colorado College
  • Marissa talks about whether student lie on their self-reported transcripts
  • Marissa talks about whether socio-economics plays a role in who gets their fly-in expenses covered
  • Marissa talks about how the SCOTUS decision on affirmative action impacts fly-in programs
  • Marissa gives us an overview of Landscape
  • We transition to “Daily visits” and Marissa gives us advice on how to set up a daily visit and what students can expect on a daily visit
  • Marissa gives advice to parents on what to do and what to not do on the college daily visit
  • Marissa answers a frequently asked question, if a student wants to meet a faculty member on a visit, how do they set this up?
  • Marissa answers the question, who else can a student request to meet on a daily college visit
  • Marissa answers the question, “how long should a family allocate for a visit to a campus” (Length 19 minutes)

Mark’s recommended resource of the week (1:02:43): Recommended Resource- New Study: Affirmative Action, Legacy & the Economic Power of Elite Colleges | Amanpour and Company (youtube.com)

College Spotlight : N/A


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